Multitenancy using Spring data JPA and hibernate

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What is multitenancy

You can see the definition of the multitenancy from the wiki. As it says -

Software multitenancy is a software architecture in which a single instance of software runs on a server and serves multiple tenants. Systems designed in such manner are “shared” (rather than “dedicated” or “isolated”). A tenant is a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to the software instance. With a multitenant architecture, a software application is designed to provide every tenant a dedicated share of the instance - including its data, configuration, user management, tenant individual functionality and non-functional properties. Multitenancy contrasts with multi-instance architectures, where separate software instances operate on behalf of different tenants. – wikipedia

Tenant Catagorization

We use the database to categorize the tenant. We have two databases, one is a master database, another is its replica used for the read operations.

Versions and Dependencies

  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot:jar:2.6.4
  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa:jar:2.6.4
  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:jar:2.6.4
  • mysql:mysql-connector-java:jar:8.0.28
  • org.projectlombok:lombok:jar:1.18.22:compile (optional)


We will create a request interceptor that will intercept the request and add the tenant identifier according to the business rule. Hibernate’s CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver will identify the current tenant identifier and choose the datasource according to the tenant.

Using this design we will use two databases master and replica, one for write operations and another for read operations.

Implement Multitenancy in spring-boot

Create entity class and repository

CustomersEntity is a simple entity class that we would need to access the table data from master database and read-replica database.

import lombok.*;

import javax.persistence.*;

@Table(name = "customers")
public class CustomersEntity implements Serializable {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  @Column(name = "id")
  private Long id;
  private String name;
  private String city;

Create an CrudRepository class for the entity CustomersEntity.

public interface CustomersRepo extends CrudRepository<CustomersEntity, Long> { }

Create Datasource for the database

Create two separate data sources one for the default or main datasource and another is for our read-replica. We use DataSourceBuilder to create the datasource. Since we are using two beans of javax.sql.DataSource, it is required to define one bean as primary. So I use the masterDataSource that would be used for writing as the primary datasource.

public class DataSourceConfig {

  @Bean(name = "masterDataSource")
  public DataSource masterDataSource() {

    return DataSourceBuilder

  @Bean(name = "readDataSource" )
  public DataSource readDataSource() {

    return DataSourceBuilder


Provide Tenant Connection Provider

We have two datasource beans, one for read-write and one for read only. Now we need a class that would keep these connections and provide the basic support for the multi-tenant connections provider. Hibernate provides an abstract class AbstractDataSourceBasedMultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl that provides this feature. We need to inject both of the databases and keep those connections in a HashMap. This class also provides a method selectDataSource(String tenantIdentifier) that would be used to choose the datasource based on the tenant name or identifier.

public class DataSourceBasedMultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl extends AbstractDataSourceBasedMultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl {
  private Map<String, DataSource> map;

  private DataSource masterDataSource;
  private DataSource readDataSource;

  public void load() {
    map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put("master", masterDataSource);
    map.put("read", readDataSource);

  protected DataSource selectAnyDataSource() {
    return map.get(Constants.DEFAULT_TENANT_ID);

  protected DataSource selectDataSource(String tenantIdentifier) {
    return map.get(tenantIdentifier);

Create Tenant Resolver

After implementations for the AbstractDataSourceBasedMultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl you need to find out the current tenant and pass that tenant information so that the correct database can be used based on the request. To do so you can provide and implementations of CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver of the class provided by hibernate. This class is responsible to resolve the current tenant based on some conditions. It returns the tenant identifier as String. This class provides two methods resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier() that is used to resolve the current tenant, and another is validateExistingCurrentSessions() which provide and extra layer of validation that by validate that the tenant identifier on “current sessions” that already exist when CurrentSessionContext.currentSession() is called matches the value returned here from resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier().

public class DefaultCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver
    implements CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver {

  public String resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier() {

    return Optional
        .map(it -> it.getAttribute("TENANT_IDENTIFIER", RequestAttributes.SCOPE_REQUEST))

  public boolean validateExistingCurrentSessions() {
    return true;

Create JPA Entity Manager factory Bean

Now we need to configure the Spring JPA Entity Manger factory. This will be use to create EntityManagerFactory. In this class we configure the hibernate properties for multi-tenant strategy, multi-tenant connection provider and the current tenant identifier.

public class MultiTenantJpaConfiguration {

  private DataSource dataSource;

  private JpaProperties jpaProperties;

  private MultiTenantConnectionProvider multiTenantConnectionProvider;

  private CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver currentTenantIdentifierResolver;

  public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder) {
    Map<String, Object> hibernateProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>(jpaProperties.getHibernateProperties(dataSource));

    hibernateProperties.put(Environment.MULTI_TENANT, MultiTenancyStrategy.DATABASE);
    hibernateProperties.put(Environment.MULTI_TENANT_IDENTIFIER_RESOLVER, currentTenantIdentifierResolver);
    hibernateProperties.put(Environment.MULTI_TENANT_CONNECTION_PROVIDER, multiTenantConnectionProvider);
    hibernateProperties.put(Environment.DIALECT, "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect");
    hibernateProps.put("spring.datasource.tomcat.testOnBorrow", true);
    hibernateProps.put("spring.datasource.tomcat.validationQuery", "select 1");

    return builder.dataSource(dataSource)


Create an web request intercepter

You need some way to identify the request that should be used to set the tenant from in the request. It is possible to pass the tenant information in the request header. You can also use an interceptor that would identify the request and based on the request set the tenant identifier in the request. I used the condition that the request should be GET and the request URI should be /read, you can use any condition that suits you. Or you can create a list of Predicate types and then evaluate its value to true and set the tenant identifier according to the conditions.

Here I set the attribute TENANT_IDENTIFIER in the request with the tenant identified as read.

public class MultiTenancyInterceptor  extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {

  Predicate<String> isGet = it -> it.equals("GET");
  Predicate<String> isReadOnlyPath = it -> it.equals("/read");

  public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
    final String method = request.getMethod();
    final String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
    if(isGet.test(method) && isReadOnlyPath.test(requestURI)) {
      request.setAttribute("TENANT_IDENTIFIER", "read");
    return true;

Add Intercepter to add tenant information

Configure the MultiTenancyInterceptor in web application configuration as interceptor.

public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

  public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
    registry.addInterceptor(new MultiTenancyInterceptor());

Create a service class

Create a service which would use the repo CustomersRepo to access the data from the repository. In this service I have created two methods readOperations() for read operations and another is writeOperations() for write operations.

public class ReadWriteServiceImpl implements ReadWriteService {

  private final CustomersRepo customersRepo;

  public String readOperations() {
    final CustomersEntity one = customersRepo.findById(1L).get();
    return one.toString();

  public String writeOperations() {
    final CustomersEntity one = customersRepo.findById(1L).get();
    return one.toString();


Create a rest controller

Create controller class.

public class ReadWriteController {
  private ReadWriteService helloService;

  String read() {
    return "Read Operation";

  String write() {
    return "Write Operation";

